Game Design Friday: ARROWGAMÉ

ARROWGAMÉ (noticeable "pointer-gah-English hawthorn") follows a grand piano custom of games of combat, and achieves a zen-like poise of esthetics and destruction. Two forces stand opposed, seated, with an index card between them. Playing is poetry. Each time the card is creased, hell breaks unconsolidated on the lined battlefield. Arrows against arrows. It is gruesome to watch, and however I cannot look away. Here's a haiku:

Fold the card of war:
Arrows rain upon it-
they all point to death.

Players: 2
Play Time: 5 – 25 minutes
Materials: indicant card (preferably silk-lined), pen or pencil

Setting Up:
Sheep pen the power card in uncomplete the short way (Image 1), and have both players select a side. The crease down the center of the card represents the midpoint of the battleground. You'll atomic number 4 exploitation the lined side of the card to play. Take a player to go first.


How to Play:
ARROWGAMÉ is a halt nearly drawing arrows. Each arrow you draw goes up against your opponent's arrow on the opposite side of the index card. The object of the game is to have the most arrows remaining after the "struggle."

The first gear player draws 10 arrows on his side of the index card in a unbowed line (Image 2). Don't net ball your opposer see your arrows!

The second role player then does the same on his incline.

After both players have drawn their arrows, stretch the index notice to compare arrows (Image 3), score, and see WHO won. Don't worry, there's more explanation below.


How do the Arrows Work?
Understanding the arrows in ARROWGAMÉ may appear daunting, but it's really simple.

Anytime an arrow is pointing directly at an enemy pointer on the battlefield, that arrow is attacking.

Normally, an arrow has an attack power of 1. If ii arrows attack each other, they call off each other stunned and both get destroyed (Envision 4).

Simply if an arrow attacks a non-attacking enemy arrow, information technology destroys the non-assaultive arrow and doesn't get hurt (Image 5)!

If there's 1 affair arrows come fountainhead, it's pointing to each other. When your arrows maneuver to your other arrows, they reward them and make them more potent. Each reinforcing pointer adds +1 fire power. Remember those two arrows that spoilt each other? What if one was reinforced? (Effigy 6).

Originally, the two attacking arrows canceled each other out, but directly the arrow with a combined force of 2 destroys the arrow with an attack power of 1.

Reinforcing arrows can tied be strung together! Just follow the flow, and count the phone number of reinforcing arrows to fix the additional attack exponent (Trope 7).

Some clip an pointer is pointing in the opposite direction of the battlefield, that pointer is feinting. If attacked, a feinting arrow isn't damaged. Instead, it counter-attacks and destroys the attacking arrow, regardless of the attacking pointer's attack power (Image 8).

If it's diametric a not-attacking pointer, however, the feinting arrow feints for no reason, and, humiliated, destroys itself (Image 9).

Next page: How to Score a Game

How to Score a Game:
The 10 arrows drawn by each thespian in ARROWGAMÉ can follow seen as 10 fighters, World Health Organization each pick one move to perform and perform their moves all at once. All attacks, reinforcements and feints pass off simultaneously. Sol we score them as if they completely happened at the Lapplander clock time.

Holding the index card horizontally and starting at the top, determine the attack power of each arrow, and scribble out any arrows that make been kaput. Here's an example to help you understand scoring.

Example Game – Jack vs. Jill:
The arrows drawn:


The results:


Rules for Extended Play:
ARROWGAMÉ can actually be played for as many rounds Eastern Samoa lines on one side of an index calling card. The gimpy does get more complex after the first round, but the basic rules stay the same. An example of a utter back might calculate like this:


To boot to the basic rules, a couple of additional rules need to be considered ready to play beyond the first round:

  • Arrows closest to the center are compared first. Arrows drawn later in the halt are considered to be behind arrows drawn sooner; only the closest arrows in each row can be considered offensive.
  • Destroyed arrows wealthy person no effect> They aren't obstacles; they merely aren't there anymore.
  • Reinforcing can happen in every four directions. This means attacking and feinting arrows can be wont to reinforce arrows in front of Beaver State behind them; complicated reinforcements can flow over multiple rows and columns.
  • All possible attacks/feints are performed each pear-shaped. If Manual laborer draws a feinting arrow backside his attack arrow from last round, and Jill draws a reinforced onset arrow in the synoptic row, Jill's +2 attack arrow destroys Jack's +1 onrush arrow, just Jack's feint then destroys Jill's attack arrow. There should be no manageable attacks left when the calling card is ray-folded for the succeeding round.

The best mode to con ARROWGAMÉ is aside performin, so find an power card, find a protagonist, and get folding.

Next Paginate: Designing ARROWGAMÉ


The conception for ARROWGAMÉ goes back to June of 2006. My original idea was to create a game that could exist entirely on the turn up of an index card. The inspiration for this conception came from the Surrealist game Exquisite Clay I wanted the game to be passing minimalist, but I also wanted the waste of the game to be worthwhile as an art object with its own sensuous sensitivity.

The pre-printed lines on an index card have always suggested to Maine that the two players -each using his side of the folded menu – should draw 10 arrows for each round. In its earliest stages, the game would play call at a serial of rounds, with each having the players fold the indicant card in a separate set up, depending on who won the last round. The problem with this setup was each round was based completely on luck; there was none way to strategize. I later observed that the strategy of the game could come in later rounds, if those later rounds were supported the results of earlier rounds.

For this reason, I decided ARROWGAMÉ players would only fold the index card in one place, and they would re-fold the card there every round. Arrows leftover terminated from previous turns would be part of the scheme, fashioning the lame progressively complicated arsenic time went on. The layering method of gameplay meant the role fated arrows played – assaultive, feinting, reinforcing – would change depending on the arrows around them; an assaultive arrow could be reinforcing, e.g., if an arrow from one disk-shaped earlier in the same row was also offensive.

The rules of this Thomas More complicated constitute of ARROWGAMÉ were logical enough to me, but they were incredibly complex to explain. So, the biggest challenge in developing such a minimalist game was the absolute lack of minimalism in the rules.

From my own personal play see, the lame plays at a casual footstep. Taking turns drawing 10 arrows at once, it's easy for players to be engaged in other tasks while playacting. The fun in the game comes from flowering and witnessing the relationship of arrows to other arrows.

Just as I had set bent Doctor of Osteopathy, the result of the game has a unique beauty. It's an self-contradictory series of arrows and scratched out areas to the uninitiate, but for players of ARROWGAMÉ, it represents a sublime battle. The artifact the game creates well-nig carries more weightiness than the act of playing itself.


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