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Using a controller on PC Minecraft

  • #1 Dec 8, 2015

    Hi all, I just have a couple of quick questions if thats ok :)

    I started playing Minecraft on console last year and have recently been checking out the PC version, I understand that PC minecraft is a lot better with a lot more features, but I really don't like using a keyboard and mouse, I miss my controller, so I was wondering if it is possible to use my Xbox One or PS4 controller to play Minecraft on PC?

    I like to relax and lay down in bed while playing minecraft and a keyboard and mouse just doesn't suit me and it feels weird to me not using a controller to play.

    Also, I was wondering if it is possible to quit a minecraft session on PC without saving? On console there is the option to exit the game without saving, but it seems on PC that everything that I do gets saved even if I don't want it to...

    I have a tendency to run into disaster xD , like a few days ago when I went on a 2 hour mining trip and ended up with 21 diamonds which I was storing in a chest underground and literally as I finished mining and went to get the diamonds out of the chest I got creepered and it destroyed the layer of stone that I was standing on and myself and my chest of diamonds fell into the lava underneath :SSSS: :(

    That is the level of disaster that frequents me and I wana be able to exit without saving if possible!

    Thanks for any help :)

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    ~ Dream like you'll live forever, Live like you'll die tomorrow ~

  • #4 Dec 12, 2015

    What you can do about the saving thing is to make a backup of the world before you start playing.

    And if you have made some significant progress or plan on doing something dangerous you can quit, which saves your progress, and make a backup so that the progress can't be undone.

    The world is probably stored in C:\Users\<Your Username>\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\saves with a subdirectory for each world.

    If not, you can find it by opening the MC launcher and clicking on <Edit Profile> at bottom left, the second line is the adress to the saves directory.

    You might have to set your Windows (?) to show hidden files.

    So, what you do is find the directory for your world and make a copy of it, either just in <saves> with a new name and then it should show up in the launcher when you chose which world to play on, or make a backup directory to copy it to, either overwriting the previous backup or, to play it safe, with a new name so you'll have several old versions in case something went wrong and you didn't notice it right away.

    I used to know how to make a batch file that would do that automatically when you start the computer but I've forgotten how.

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    Just testing. :P

  • #5 Dec 12, 2015

    PC Minecraft is not really suitable for controllers. The main obstacle is crafting: you must place items from your inventory in a 3x3 grid to craft items. With a controller, I can imaging how horrible frustrating that would be.

    I believe there might be a mod that automates crafting, though if it hasn't been updated that could keep you from using the latest version of MC.

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    Just testing. :P

  • #6 Dec 12, 2015

    I have a program called DS3 tool installed that lets me control the usb and mouse peripherals which a controller. So for example the left joystick controls WASD and then the right controls the mouse which alievates the problem f crafting and then I have the triggers assigned to LMB and RMB and the bumpers assigned to scroll up and scroll down so I can switch weapons. Start to ESC. Select to Tab. Triangle to 'E'. X to 'Space'. And so on. It's very easy to do once you get the hang of it.

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